Tamer Youssef

Just another site

By - Tamer

How to Enable IMAP in Windows

1- Go the directory were you have installed PHP for example \xampp\php\php.ini 2-open php.ini file.Now you have to find “;extension=php_imap.dll” 3- Just remove semicolon so your string like this “extension=php_imap.dll” 4- Now save and close your file 5- restart your Xampp/Apache server

By - Tamer

How to Boot Asus Laptop From USB Bootable Drive (F550)

Hi friends today i am going to show you How to Boot Asus F550 Laptop From Windows Bootable USB Drive to Install Windows 7, 8 or 10. New asus laptops have pre-installed dos or windows 10 , but if you want to install a custom Operating System (OS) like windows 7 , Mac or Linux you have to change some

By - Tamer

Translating Your Theme

It’s very easy to turn a blind eye to other languages when developing your WordPress theme, but this is a very bad habit and immediately turns away a whole market of WordPress users and potentially thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Out of the top 10 countries that search Google for “WordPress themes”, only one is native English speaking (the

By - Tamer

Adding Secondary IP Addresses (CentOS/RHEL)

There are plenty of reasons you would need to add secondary IP addresses (and everyone agrees that SEOis not one of them). Getting a secondary IP address is a simple process if it is done for the right reasons and done correctly. You do NOT need additional NIC cards but you will be creating virtual adapters as the secondary IP

By - Tamer

Run bat files in Linux

You have to create a file with the extension .sh put this as the first line Code: #!/bin/sh and then just write the rest like writing a .bat file except with the new syntax after that, save and run Code: chmod +x (filename).sh to run the script, just type in Code: ./(filename).sh