Tamer Youssef

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Install Cpanel / WHM

1- Disabling NetworkManager CentOs 7 The following steps will disable NetworkManager service and allows the interface to be managed only by network service. 1. To check which are the interfaces managed by NetworkManager # nmcli device status This displays a table that lists all network interfaces along with their STATE. If Network Manager is not controlling an interface, its STATE

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cPanel: How to Limit Maximum Email Size or Email Attachment

Default max file size limit that can be sent and received in cPanel (Exim Mail Server) is 50 MB, and How to Limit Maximum Email Size or Email Attachment ? To Limit Maximum Email Size do the following, Login to cPanel/WHM as root Under Service Configuration, Click “exim Configuration Manager” Click “Advanced Editor” Scroll down and Click “Add additional Configuration

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 If you’re receiving messages saying an email has bounced, or is “undeliverable”, and you’re sure that the email could not have come from you (or malware on your computer/server), then you’re receiving backscatter. If you’re using Exim, you can make the following change to cut down the amount of backscatter you receive: Go to WHM »Service Configuration »Exim Configuration Manager

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How to Display (List) All Jobs in Cron / Crontab

ervers can automatically perform tasks that you would otherwise have to perform yourself, such as running scripts. On Linux servers, the cron utility is the preferred way to automate the running of scripts. In this article we’ll cover how to view the jobs scheduled in the crontab list. For an introduction to Cron check-out our KB: How To: Automate Server

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Scheduling Tasks with Cron Jobs

Cron Jobs are used for scheduling tasks to run on the server. They’re most commonly used for automating system maintenance or administration. However, they are also relevant to web application development. There are many situations when a web application may need certain tasks to run periodically. Today we are going to explore the fundamentals of Cron Jobs. Definitions First let’s

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How to Block or Allow Specific Ports by Country in the CSF Firewall

How to Back up and Restore the CSF Firewall Configuration How to Block Traffic by Country in the CSF Firewall How to Allow Traffic by Country in the CSF Firewall How to Block or Allow Specific Ports by Country in the CSF Firewall Basic DoS/DDoS Mitigation with the CSF Firewall In addition to being able to manage traffic from a